Magic: the Gathering Wiki
Orchi dell'Artiglio di Ottone (Brassclaw Orcs)
Brassclaw OrcsMTGO2
Espansione e rarità: FEMC, 5EDC, ME2C
Colore: Rosso
Costo di mana: 2R
Valore di mana: 3
Tipo: Creatura - Orco
Forza/Costituzione/Fedeltà: 3/2
Testo ufficiale:
Gli Orchi dall'Artiglio di Ottone non possono bloccare le creature con forza pari o superiore a 2.
Testo di colore:
  • Fallen Empires (v1): "The Brassclaws delighted in lightning raids on Icatian and Dwarven towns; an unprepared enemy is easier to defeat. - Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV
  • Fallen Empires (v2): "Brassclaws were typical Orcs-quick to laud their own prowess in battle, quick to jeer at their opponents, and quicker still to run away when things started to look slightly dangerous." - Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV
  • Fallen Empires (v3), Masters Edition II: "A whole skin is worth a thousand victories." - Orcish Veteran of the Battle of Montford
  • Fallen Empires (v4): "The large brass claws worn by some Sarpadian Orc tribes were among the least feared weapons ever known." - Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV
  • Quinta: "Modern Sarpadia's swarming with thrulls. It's a testament to the orcs that they've survived there so long." - Elbieta, Argivian scholar
  • Fallen Empires (v1, v3), Quinta, Masters Edition II: Rob Alexander
  • Fallen Empires (v2): Dan Frazier
  • Fallen Empires (v4): Heather Hudson
Legale in: Tipo 1, Tipo 1.5
Regole -
Note -
Ambientazione ?
Gatherer {{{16}}}

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