Magic: the Gathering Wiki
Lupi dei Boschi (Timber Wolves)
Timber Wolves4
Espansione e rarità: LEAR, LEBR, 2EDR, 3EDR, SUMR, 4EDR
Colore: Verde
Costo di mana: G
Valore di mana: 1
Tipo: Creatura - Lupo
Forza/Costituzione/Fedeltà: 1/1
Testo ufficiale:
Testo di colore:
  • Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised, Summer Magic, Quarta: Though many think of Wolves as solitary predators, they are actually extremely social animals. During a hunt they often call to each other, which can be quite unsettling for their prey.
  • Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised, Summer Magic, Quarta: Melissa A. Benson
Legale in: Tipo 1, Tipo 1.5
Regole -
Note -
Ambientazione ?
Gatherer {{{16}}}

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