Esilio Oscuro (Dark Banishing)
Espansione e rarità: , , , , , , , , ,
Colore: Nero
Costo di mana: 
Valore di mana: 3
Tipo: Istantaneo
Forza/Costituzione/Fedeltà: -
Testo ufficiale:
Testo di colore:
- Era Glaciale, Deckmaster, Ondata Glaciale Theme Decks: "Will not the mountains quake and hills melt at the coming of the darkness? Share this vision with your enemies, Lim-Dûl, and they shall wither." - Leshrac, Walker of Night
- Mirage: "Femeref was guided by the wisdom of the Council of Voices. But in one terrible instant, they were slain, leaving Asmira as the sole voice of leadership." - Hakim, Loreweaver
- Tempesta, Tempest Remastered: "It is the way of most wizards to begin by exiling themselves and to end by exiling everyone else." - Hanna, Weatherlight navigator
- Settima, Ottava, Nona, Divine vs Demonic: "L'esilio? Abbi pietà, dì pure "morte", poiché l'esilio ha un aspetto molto più terrificante, della morte stessa." — William Shakespeare, Romeo e Giulietta
- Era Glaciale, Deckmaster, Ondata Glaciale Theme Decks: Drew Tucker
- Mirage, Ottava, Nona, Divine vs Demonic: Dermot Power
- Tempesta, Tempest Remastered: John Matson
- Settima: Rebecca Guay
Legale in: Tipo 1, Tipo 1.5, Modern